Stories about how the Port is moving with purpose to transform our region into a place where everyone is welcome, empowered, and connected to opportunity.
PDX People: Stories of Extraordinary Customer Service

From noticing when travelers need a little extra help to bringing their best to customers and colleagues alike, PDX People make our airport a welcoming place to visit and to work.

To recognize actions that truly stand out as extraordinary and support our PDX People core values – being friendly, knowledgeable and respectful – we host the PDX People customer service awards each quarter. Below are the airport employees we recognized from July through September 2022.

Linda Cooper


Linda Cooper

While working at the security checkpoint, TSA officer Linda Cooper (she/her) noticed a passenger in need of assistance. Her kind, proactive approach earned this compliment:

“I was traveling alone and in an unfamiliar airport – I was not sure where to find my gate. Linda flagged me down as I entered the security line. She treated me with respect and was very patient with my questions.

I was struck at how friendly and knowledgeable she was and, most importantly, Linda took the time to help me when she could have easily let me walk on. Linda is definitely one of the most pleasant TSA officers I have ever encountered.”

Brad Forrest

SP Plus Corporation

Brad Forrest

A passenger sent in this compliment for SP Plus Corporation shuttle driver Brad Forrest (he/him):

“A great shuttle bus driver just dropped my family off in the parking lot. The driver was a nice gentleman named Brad. He drove safely and was patient with all the passengers and their many stops. Keep up the good work, young man! Thank you for getting my family a bit closer to home.”

Kathleen Holland


Kathleen Holland

Kathleen Holland (she/her) with ABM was nominated by her manager:

“A passenger approached Kathleen as she was providing directions and assistance by the TSA checkpoint. The passenger had just arrived but missed her connection due to a flight delay.

The passenger was despondent and quite anxious. Kathleen guided the passenger to her airline’s ticket counter to rebook her flight, however the next flight wasn’t until the following day.

Kathleen then helped the passenger book a hotel and get a taxi. To top it off, Kathleen even checked back later that evening to confirm the passenger arrived at the hotel safely.

Kathleen demonstrated knowledgeable, friendly and respectful customer service that truly went above and beyond, and I am proud to nominate her for a PDX People customer service award.”

Jodi Martini

Capers Café

Jodi Martini

Capers Café employee Jodi Martini (she/her) received two customer compliments for her outstanding service:

“Jodi is an extraordinary employee. She helps so many customers with grace and humor and makes it look easy…but my serving history reminds me otherwise! I travel often for work, and she is absolutely and by far the quickest, most personable server I have had. This woman deserves a raise! This is the first time I’ve met her, and I will be sure to return to Capers in hopes I am lucky enough to have her as a server again.”

“I have had Jodi as a bartender twice in the last month, and she has been extremely friendly, kind and engaging. Even when working while short staffed, she provided great service to all customers, and it all feels very genuine. She was simply wonderful!”

Doug Shafer

PDX Volunteer Musician Program

Doug Shafer

A fellow PDX employee observed PDX volunteer musician Doug Shafer (he/him) provide a wonderful performance and exceptional compassion for a passenger.

“I stopped to watch Doug perform ‘Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain.’ I saw a passenger also pause to listen to the song. As he finished, Doug noticed the traveler starting to cry. He asked her if she was okay. She said, ‘No, my father passed away recently, and that was his favorite song.’

Doug respectfully gave his condolences and asked if she needed a hug, to which she replied, “Yes.” What a wonderful ambassador for the Port of Portland, showing kindness and his gift of music for all to hear. Thank you, Doug!”

Natasha Tunstall Smith

Delta Air Lines

Natasha Tunstall Smith

After going the extra mile to provide a passenger with compassionate and respectful service, Natasha Tunstall Smith (she/her) with Delta Air Lines received this letter of thanks:

“A last-minute flight cancellation meant I was not going to get back home as I had planned.

I raced to the airport since there was a slim chance I could make it on a Delta flight. Unfortunately, I didn’t quite get there in time, but Natasha sat down with me and was able to help me calm down and work through the options to get home.

I really appreciated her help. Having someone with her friendly, respectful attitude towards customer service is a real asset to your airport.”

Mark Tarutis

Tender Loving Empire

Mark Tarutis

Mark Tarutis (he/him) with Tender Loving Empire was nominated by his manager for creating a safe, welcoming environment at PDX:

“While Mark was working an early morning shift, a gentleman came in the store who was expressing some frustration. His flight had been canceled and he was feeling worried and afraid.

Mark noticed the passenger was distressed and wanted to help him remain calm and make it to his destination. Mark reassured him, then escorted the man to an airline desk to see if there were any flight options. The man was thankful to Mark for the assistance – he called him ‘his angel.’

This is a perfect example of the respect and kindness we strive for at PDX. Mark took it upon himself to make sure the customer felt take care of, and I could not be prouder of the humanity on display!”

Ivanne "Anne" Tenry

Hertz Car Rental

Ivanne "Anne" Tenry

Anne Tenry (she/her) with Hertz Car Rental was nominated by a co-worker:

“Anne is a superstar who goes above and beyond to mentor others and inspire them to provide extraordinary service, just as she does. Beyond that, she also guides them to meet company goals.

When assisting customers, she treats each situation as important and makes sure all customers are taken care of in a timely manner.

It’s fun and exciting to work with Anne on the same team. She has a positive attitude, integrity, confidence and great communication skills.”

Brianna Bauer

Hannah Bennett
Anita Hardy

Capers Café

Kevin Day

Andy Sowders
Port of Portland

Maria Curiel
Danielle MacCoumber


This team award nomination came from Walt Marchbanks, Customer Programs and Services Manager with the Port of Portland:

“We had an early morning PDX People employee appreciation event planned on the airfield and a local food truck was scheduled to serve breakfast. Unfortunately, upon arrival, the truck experienced unanticipated mechanical issues.

Kevin Day (he/him) with OEG was first on the scene to troubleshoot electrical needs. Andy Sowders (he/him) with the Port of Portland located a welder that had the proper electrical connection. Despite their hard work, we discovered the root of the issue was related to their propane line and wasn’t easily fixed.

By this point, we had some HUNGRY employees waiting! That’s where the staff at Burgerville, Capers and Tillamook came to the rescue. Brianna Bauer (she/her) with Burgerville stepped up with the first round of breakfast sandwiches – despite being already short-staffed for the day. Anita Hardy (she/her) and Hannah Bennett (she/her) from Capers knocked out an additional 30 sandwiches. Finally, Maria Curiel (she/her) and Danielle MacCoumber (she/her) at Tillamook provided 50 more to round out the morning.

While we weren’t able to deliver food from a truck, employees were fed and memories were made. Thanks to each of you for a job incredibly well done.”

Watch the PDX People customer service awards ceremony.